Moringa seeds count 100 Moringa seeds count 100
Moringa seeds count 100

Moringa seeds count 100

  • Moringa is a tree which is commonly called as Ben-oil-tree, Benzolive-tree, Drumsticktree, Horseradish-tree, Malunggay, Moringa West Indian ben. Each and every parts of moringa tree has different health benefits.
  • We Organic Veda Carefully select the fresh moringa seeds and sun-dry the seeds and packed in zipper pouch. It is high quality germination seed. Organic Veda’s Moringa seeds give you good yield. Take 2-3 Moringa seeds dig the soil for nearly 1feet depth and sow the seeds make sure to keep small distance from one plant to another plant.
  • Moringa seeds can be used for consumption as it is rich in vitamins, minerals, iron and zinc that are good for health. Moringa seeds can be powdered for oral consumption.
  • Organic Veda’s Moringa seeds are used to making oil. Seeds are cold pressed and extracted as oil.

Moringa seeds count 100

  • Brands Organic Veda®
  • Product Code: 850703004221
  • SGD Point: 285
  • Availability: 2-3 Days
  • ₹ 285.00